Category Devices

Smart Speakers Are Table Radios for the Digital Age

One of the big holiday gift choices this year is likely to be smart speakers, such as Amazon Echos and Google Homes. Here’s the funny thing about smart speakers: while everyone was getting excited — or worried — about them as home shopping devices or yet another way for tech companies to spy on users, […]

Amazon To Enter Library Lending Market

When Kindle Library Lending launches, library patrons will be able to borrow e-books and read them on every popular device platform.

DECE Announces UltraViolet Roadmap and Usage Rules

DECE announces its roadmap and its content usage rules at CES.

The End of the DRM-Sideloading Era

Rhapsody cuts the cable on its mobile apps: the beginning of the end of PC-tethered subscriptions.

Video Fingerprinting Gains Momentum for Contextual Advertising

More evidence that rights technologies can promote choice in business models. Whether the choices are appropriate or not is another question.

Sonic Solutions to Acquire DivX

Sonic bets that its combination of CinemaNow, DivX, Roxio, and a partnership with Best Buy will add up to a powerful digital video ecosystem.

More Devices, More Platforms, More… DRM

DRMs proliferate along with mobile devices and application platforms.

Apple Joins E-Book Reader Competition

The e-book DRM mess just got messier today.

DECE Sets a New Direction

Innovation in the digital media supply chain from a consortium, to compete with Apple and Amazon.

2009 Year in Review, Part 1

A slow year in DRM, to match the slow economy.