Category Canada

Music Modernization Act Draws Concerns About Mechanical Licensing Agency

The Copyright Society of the USA’s Annual Meeting took place over the past couple of days in Toronto. One of the many interesting sessions was one on music licensing, where we from the U.S. got to learn that Canada has just as much of a “sausage factory” as we do when it comes to the […]

Kobo Gives the Shelfie Story a Happy Ending

The story of Shelfie, the Vancouver-based print and e-book bundling startup that ceased operations back in January, has a coda, and quite possibly a happy ending after all. Shelfie’s fellow Canadians at Kobo had agreed to maintain the Shelfie service so that users could access their DRM-protected e-books and transfer their e-book libraries to the Kobo […]

The Failure of Print and E-Book Bundling

How many times has this happened to you: you buy a print book, you start to read it, you go on a trip, you forget to take the book, you find the e-book version online, and you chafe at having to pay full price for another version of something you already have? The music industry […]

Core Rights and SOCAN Building Blockchain-Based System for Venue Music Licensing

Amid all the talk, hype, and activity around blockchain solutions for music, questions arise about whether large existing entities in the digital music value chain will adopt the technology, and if so, how.  These fall roughly into four buckets: record labels, music publishers, royalty collecting societies, and DSPs (consumer music distributors such as Apple, Spotify, and Pandora). One […]

Canada Introduces Copyright Law Reforms

Canadians embrace secondary liability and anticircumvention in copyright law; mash-ups too.